But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.
Subscribe to my site! I send a reminder email the day of an update! Every month I update the shop once or twice. These items become available for purchase at a specific date and time which is announced via Instagram and Etsy with ample time for folks to be ready. Most mugs tend to sell out within the hour. It is best to be on the website a few minutes prior to the update release time.
Designs that are in high demand but limited will often be auctioned on Instagram. These auctions are not announced and happen randomly. I list the item with guidelines and timeframe on a post through Instagram. Buyer must have a PayPal account and Instagram account to participate.
Rarely. Because of fairness. I only take reserves under special circumstances. You at least have to be a returning customer, and have left a review in the past when you did order. Each circumstance varies, and it is up to me to say yes or no.
Rarely. This year I’m accepting a *limited* number of custom requests during the first weeks of April and October. Folks can contact me via Etsy during these months with their idea or an image of a design I’ve already created, and if selected, pricing and listing discussions will begin via email.
Because it takes weeks to complete a mug. Because I work mainly in high quality porcelain. Because my work is highly detailed. All hand-carved. Because I’m a one-woman show. Because I value and love myself. Because I’m worth it. If you think my prices are too high, my work is not for you.
Visit cbeceramics.com and at the bottom of the homepage you can subscribe. Easy peasy!